Brand strategy, Inspiration, Marketing

3 simple ways to refresh a stale business

ways to update a stale business

No matter your business, we all hit natural lulls in momentum over time. Maybe your business is seasonal or perhaps you’ve had a change in your home life, like welcoming a new human into the family. Whatever the reason, there comes a time when you need a little pick-me-up to get your business humming again – here are 3 top tips to get you started!

Start a blog

Yes I know you’ve heard it before but aside from a blog being a great marketing tool it can be a really great way to streamline your thinking and open up some new perspectives to your business. It’s easy to get stuck in patterns and not think mindfully about why you do something or what you offer. A blog is a great self-evaluation tool. In offering interesting and helpful content to your clients, it gives you the space to really think about how you might better serve your customers and breathe fresh life into your business.

Freshen up your look with new photos

Nothing makes you feel better than looking fab! In the same way a new dress can make you feel amazing, updating your brand visuals with some hot new photos is one of the easiest ways to reinvigorate your business. Many business owners shy away from custom photography but the reality is there’s no better way to show people what you’re about than gorgeous authentic photos of your business at work. Your audience wants to see YOU – the real YOU. So share some behind-the-scenes snaps, where the work gets done, the cosy spots you retreat to for a coffee. These photos will endear you to people and remind them that your business is all about people.

Remember to make sure your new images fit with your overall brand, are of amazing quality and have some fun with it.

Update your marketing plan

When a business goes flat, one of the first areas you should look at is your marketing efforts. Where are your customers going to find you and how are you showing up to serve them? What’s your current strategy, (do you even have one) and where are there holes?

First things first, revisit your products/services and revenue streams – remind yourself where your sales come from. What’s working? What isn’t? Where is your money actually being generated? Then look for new opportunities or gaps you can fill. Once that is taken care of, spend some time crafting a schedule that you can actually stick to – perhaps it’s only quarterly or monthly to begin with. Consistency and regularity are the key!

Before any content is put out there, think about how it serves your clients and not yourself. Is it helping them solve a problem, or providing an answer to a question they might have. Put yourself in their shoes. Then when you are ready to sell your next product or service, they’ll be eager and primed to purchase because they’re basically your online bestie.

how to refresh a stale business

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