A closer look

Meet the Design Spot team – Jen

Each one of our extended team play an important role in keeping the creative ideas rolling in. In our ‘meet the team’ series, we give you a little more insight into the talented folk that help make up our larger Design Spot family. After all, it takes a team to build a brand!

My name is Jen and my mum would say I’m very particular but I think I just know quality when I see it. The first thing I do when I wake up is make myself a cup of coffee and sit down to breakfast with my baby boy.

My favourite thing about my job is I get to see new businesses develop every day. Working with great clients who, like myself, are trying to bring their vision to reality.

What do you do at Design Spot? I’m the founder, designer, strategist, project manager and chief dog walker, essentially I’m a bit of a jack of all trades. I also work collaboratively with expert copywriters, photographers and marketers. Day-to-day I’m meeting with clients, brainstorming new ideas, designing everything from logos to websites and project managing ongoing work. I try to spend one day a week dreaming up plans and content for Design Spot and looking at current trends.

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing? I couldn’t imagine a world without design at some level, and I love a bit of DIY, so I’d probably consider interior design.

You’re on a desert island and can only listen to one album for the rest of your days. Which one is it? John Mayer, Continuum. It’s one of very few albums that I can consistently come back to again and again.

What’s your weekend ritual? It almost always involves a long family dog walk, often at Eastbourne beach and then relaxing in the garden with my husband and baby boy. Being DIY obsessed something feels wrong if we don’t visit Mitre 10, Bunnings or Palmers Garden Centre at least once.

What’s the best choice you’ve made so far in life? Moving into a flat with two strangers, one of whom became my wonderful husband. 12 years later it feels like no time at all. Close second would be starting my own business.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Talking to animals. I already talk to my dog a lot (apparently that’s a sign of intelligence you know). She’s pretty good at Jedi-mind tricking me into giving her treats and going for walks; but how cool would it be to have an army of animals at your side!

Coffee order? Trim flat white please!

If you weren’t living in Wellington, where would you choose and why? Probably Queenstown or Wanaka for the  stunning scenery! Having grown up in the South Island I can’t get past the immensity of space and the change of seasons down there.

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