Brand strategy

Part Two: Create a killer launch plan that turns heads

In PART ONE of Creating a Killer Launch Plan That Turns Heads we talked about the pre-launch planning you need to do in order to prepare for your big day. Now for the fun stuff! Here’s a few tried and true ways to generate hype and get people talking about your new offer ahead of time.

6 Amazing launch hype ideas for you to try

Create a dedicated coming soon page or sales info page for signup

You don’t have to wait until your launch date to create a buzz. A week or two before you launch, publish a dedicated webpage to start promoting the launch. This page should encourage newsletter signups and pre-sales, so share a sneak-peak of what you are launching. The idea is to gather as many emails as possible, build excitement and educate your audience on what’s coming.

If you’re opening a new shop or cafe cover the windows and put up large ‘opening soon’ posters to get people talking about what could be coming.

Create an early-bird sign up

Generate enthusiasm to a resource, course or product by offering a better promo-code for early signups. Maybe it’s a chance to win, maybe it’s a gift for the first 10 signups, maybe it’s an additional 10% off the purchase price – whatever you choose remember it’s about providing them a ‘benefit’ to signing up early.

Invite your VIPs to an early preview and be influencers

You’ve worked hard to build relationships, so reward your best clients and customers or local influencers with early access. Ask them for feedback or a testimonial to use for the launch promotion. Have them to join in the hype by sharing images on social media with a specific hashtag. You can help them by providing graphics or sending them a small launch gift to open and share on their social pages.

Provide them with plenty of information about your business and product and make it compelling, create something they’ll want to be a part of and be sure to communicate why it’s a win-win for them to participate

Think freebies/bonuses/giveaways

Everyone likes to feel like they’ve won something. So start writing a list of freebies or bonuses you want to offer as part of your launch to encourage sales or signups. Not only will it boost your numbers but your audience will feel more positive about their experience.

Make your launch an event

Everyone loves a good party! Get the music and champagne out and make a night of it. Invite your VIPS, influencers, friends and family to join in the celebration. Give them early access to purchase. Show off your new offer with

Find ways to encourage customers to share

Setting up specific hashtags you want your audience to share is a great way to direct others back to your site. Create fun backdrops or graphics people can post on Facebook and Insta with your hashtag prominently displayed. Host a giveaway for the best photo.

To incentivise customers to share your product, consider setting up a referral program or even giving shout-outs on your social accounts to customers who share your products on theirs.

So there you have it, get creative and remember that is always about serving your customers first! So think hard about what will give them a reason to try and buy your latest and greatest and become early adopters.

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