
What is an email welcome sequence?

And how to create one

You’ve heard about email welcome sequences, everyone says you need one. But what the heck is it? How does it work? And is it worth your time?

A welcome sequence is an automated sequence of emails that is sent out when somebody signs up for your list. Typically they’ll receive 3-5 welcoming emails over the course of 3 days to a week that introduce them to your brand and products. Because it’s an automatic sequence you don’t have to constantly log in to your email and monitor new sign ups manually, but you do need to consider the sequence carefully and set it up ahead of time.

Welcome sequences are great for turning strangers into friends, and ultimately into customers.

How do welcome sequences work?


Firstly a user needs to opt-in to your list and then confirm that they want to join it. They’ll typically do this on your website or a landing page. A great way to make sure they actually want to hear what you have to say is to offer them a freebie, it might be a discount code or a free download, just something to get them excited. Ask them to click the “yes, I definitely want to subscribe” button within their email before they’re officially added to your email list. This is called ‘double opting-in’ and it means they’re serious about receiving emails from you and your brand.

Once they’re onboard you can start your welcome sequence. I typically like to use a sequence of 3 emails spread over 3 days which feels substantial and friendly without users feeling like they are being bombarded.

Day 1 Email

This email is the most important one. This email is sent as soon as they’ve confirmed their subscription. In this email you should include a thank you, information on what you hope they’ll get out of the freebie you offered and how best to use it.

It’s a great idea to share a few of your most popular content and links to any other freebies you might have on offer.

Pro-tip: Whatever your brand voice is, that’s the voice you use in your welcome sequence. It should be friendly and relaxed. Remember, it’s all about letting your new subscribers know who you are, getting your brand out into the world, and helping people remember you.

Day 2 Email

Day 2 is for giving people a little more insight into your brand. It’s for telling people what you do, what motivates you, and providing a bit of your back story. Think of it like taking your new friend out for a coffee. It’s about getting the conversation started and making them feel welcome and at ease. Invite them to engage on Instagram with a hashtag, or join a Facebook group where they can connect with others like them.

This email is also about offering extra value to your newly acquired friend so point them towards more content you think they might like and show them how others have used it.

Day 3 Email

The third and final email in the welcome sequence should contain a gentle upsell. By now your new friend has engaged multiple times with your brand and they’re excited to have found you. If you have a great new product or service that you offer, tell them about it! Let them know that if they’ve loved your other content they will absolutely love this to. Show them how it’s going to improve their life.

Of course, once your welcome sequence has finished, that’s not the end of the relationship you’ve started. You still need to keep in contact with your new pal. Continue offering things of value, more free content, more great products, more ways to engage with your brand.

welcome email sequence


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